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Home Pompoenpitten opisthorchosis

Pompoenpitten opisthorchosis

This ongoing feature series was taken from the 4th annual postgraduate course and workshop in medical mycology-dermatomycology, July 27-30, 1979, Newport Beach, CA. Sporotrichosis is a deep cutaneous mycotic infection caused by the dimorphic organism Sporothrix schenckii (Figure 1). Classically.

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Opisthorchiasis is a parasitic disease caused by species in the genus Opisthorchis (specifically, Opisthorchis viverrini and Opisthorchis felineus).Chronic infection may lead to cholangiocarcinoma, a malignant cancer of the bile ducts.

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What are the signs and symptoms of infection with Opisthorchis? Most infected persons have no symptoms. In mild cases, symptoms may include indigestion, abdominal pain, diarrhea, or constipation. Signs and symptoms are related to inflammation and blockage of the bile ducts.
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Opisthorchis species are liver fluke parasites that humans can get by eating raw or undercooked fish, crabs, or crayfish from areas in Asia and Europe where the parasite is found, including Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Germany, Italy, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine.
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The Monarch Initiative brings together data about this condition from humans and other species to help physicians and biomedical researchers. Monarch’s tools are designed to make it easier to compare the signs and symptoms (phenotypes) of different diseases and discover common features.
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Opisthorchis parasiluri Long Lee; Opisthorchis viverrini Poirier, 1886; The species known as Clonorchis sinensis has sometimes been reclassified into the genus Opisthorchis. Etymology. From the Greek opisthen (behind) and orchis (testicle), Opisthorchis is a genus of trematode flatworms whose testes are located in the posterior.
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Sporotrichosis - Cutaneous infection with Sporothrix schenckii is a disease with worldwide distribution. The majority of cases are seen in Central and South America but outbreaks occur in the United States.

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